Psalms 43: 5

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

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"His Will, at last, be done"

Sean Bonniwell (Of The Music Machine).

"Look Up, Jesus Is Coming Soon" !

Tommy James

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Mikes Gone I Love You Mike

I dunno how to tell everyone but I have some bad news about Mike. He had been having symptoms of a cold recently & coughing up congestion. So dumb me assumed he had gotten the cold his brother has. Several times earlier he had coughed up weird congestion & I thought it was the cold. Well I had watch some old 60's shows like Bewitched & I Dream Of Jeannie with him. Later I felt tired & told him I was gonna lay down for a few mins until the news came on & then watch the 11 pm news & then after that I'd come and we'd watch tv together. Well just after I started to lay down Mike called me & said he needed me. I asked if it was important or not. He said yeah & he was having trouble breathing with his congestion. I tried to help him patting him on his back & asked if he wanted me to the do the Heimlich maneuver. He said yes, I did that & gave him some water but he spit it up & it was foamy. He said call the emergency crew. I tired to help him first & called my mom first to see if she knew what to do. What an idiot I was to have called her first. But you don't know. I thought he was choking from his congestion from the cold. I called the emergency crew but it was probably too late. I probably saw him die. Andy the preacher at our church who also went to school the same time as me but a grade ahead of me. His sister heard it on the police scanner & called & told him. He came & helped me. The emergency crew and a few cops came. They tried to help but I guess it was too late. They think he had a heart attack. Guess them choking on his congestion caused it maybe. Plus his mom & sister both died of heart attacks. We hope to get an autopsy..

Right now I am in so much shock and pain. I know he is up in heave but I still hurt so bad. He was the only man I ever loved (tv stars & singers don't count) and the only man I have ever went out with more than once.

But I could use peoples prayers & vibes. I hurt so bad & am in such shock. It happened Tues nite probably after 10:30 pm maybe. We'd been married 23 yrs this June. Almost 48 yrs old is way too young to lose a hubby. I want him back so bad...

This wasn't supposed to happen until I was 80. Hhis service will be at Rivers Edge Bible Church (Presbyterian) on Sat March 7 at 2 pm. It feels like I am in a bad dream & will wake up & he will be here. I am staying with my folks a few days...

I just can't believe this happened & refuse to believe it. If you have a spouse please hold onto them & love them all you can because they won't be here long. I love you Mike...