Psalms 43: 5

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

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"His Will, at last, be done"

Sean Bonniwell (Of The Music Machine).

"Look Up, Jesus Is Coming Soon" !

Tommy James

Friday, October 03, 2008

Flying On The Internet!!!! :)

I have joined the ranks of those in the technology loop and am now on high speed dsl! Yee-haw to quote Grandpa Jones! I was so glad they finally got it out here in the hinterlands. And cheaper than cable net. Finally no more taking 10 yrs for a web page to load up, and hr for a YouTube video to load up sputtering & stopping, and starting. It's the slowest dsl they have. But a million times faster than dialup. No more being on the internet for hrs, not because you enjoy it but because it takes that long for stuff to load up. And folks can call me on the phone while I'm online. Except for telemarketers who are not allowed to ever call me again.

How are we doing? We're alive. Mike has a new shorter hairdo. Well he was having trouble keeping a length that wasn't long nor too short so he got his cousin to cut it. If I want to look at hair I'll have to look at a hippie lol. Busy times. Our trip to visit Mikes family in Ohio in Aug. Drs. visits, going to the pharmacy, church, getting groceries da, da, da etc. Last Sat was a car show at the local high school put on my a church & then the church picnic of all the Presbyterian churches around here. Then church was Sun. I was gonna say something & forgot it. Well you missed a good thought whatever it is. I doubt it tho lol. Maybe with this highspeed I can blog more often. I hear some folks chortling with laughter.

Oh yeah, my allergies have been bugging me bigtime. Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing. And the company that makes hankys loves me. I keep 'em in business lol. I went off of Lipitor onto herbal stuff & fish oil. I was getting side effects. Achy muscles, thinning hair. I don't wanna end up looking like the female Kojack. Altho I did resemble Yul Brynner as a baby. Hey this new puter has spell check on here. Coolamundo as Fonzie would say. I forgot what I was gonna say on here so see you folks later & God Bless...