Psalms 43: 5

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

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"His Will, at last, be done"

Sean Bonniwell (Of The Music Machine).

"Look Up, Jesus Is Coming Soon" !

Tommy James

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


They had tornados here yesterday. Thered was a tornado warning for our county but I was blissfully unaware cuz I was laying in the bed napping due to my congestion I had. I heard some storm rumbling really loud & thought must be a storm yuck & rolled on back over unawares. Thankfully it didn't hit at our house but it did hit 20 mins from here. Scary. But God protected us. My folks live in the tornados area in a tornado prone town, one of the worst hit areas in this tornado. But were fine cuz thankfully they were at the beach this week. I've been in tornados before & have no desire to be in anymore. Prayers go out to the victims & their families. Here's hoping for a calmer tornado season...