Psalms 43: 5

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

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"His Will, at last, be done"

Sean Bonniwell (Of The Music Machine).

"Look Up, Jesus Is Coming Soon" !

Tommy James

Friday, April 25, 2008

How We're Doing

Might as well let folks know how we are doing. Mikes sister in Ohio died in Jan or Feb I think it was & we had to go up there for the funeral. Then Arlo came here to VA for 4 days & we went to see him sing & visit with him. Last Fri & Sat my cousin Jason Mraz came to here in VA to do 2 nites worth of shows & we went to see him. He puts on a good show. His site is In between all of this has been church, drs appts, grocery shopping, eating out with Debbie & Pat (Mikes brothers neighbor). Busy, busy, busy. Oh yeah playing in the bluegrass jams up at Rivermont Presbyterian church. And we keep going round and round with this congestion. Whee. And did you know Sudafed will cause your blood sugars to raise to 400? So no more Sudafed for me. I made up a batch of diabetic macaroni & cheese with veggies in it. It was one nites dinner & should go on for 2 more. Gotta stretch those meals these days.

Here is a pic of my cousin Jason:

I am tired so I better go. I am watching Star Trek & it took me 3 minutes to recall who played Checkov. Urp lol...