I am a busy bee these days. Lazy busy bee as I stopped in the middle of decorating last nite to read the Bible lol. Still tryng to finish my Christmas decorating which is taking forever lol. We got a new slim tree cuz it is easier to pt up & decorate. We have 3 trees in the living room. the 7 1/2 ft slim tree, a 5 footer & a white 4 footer. The 5 & 4 footers are fiber optic but the fiber optic isn't working right so we are using them as regular trees with lights on them. I'll have to post some pics on here when I get done. Which may not be until Christmas Eve at the rate I am going lol.
Thanksgiving we went with my folks to my cousin Tommys daughters house for dinner. We had a nice time. Nice to be with family. Spent the nite with my folks even tho they live only 20 mins away from us cuz we'd be closer to Walmart. Yup, we had to go to Wallyworld to buy in that Zoo. I hated to do that but it was the only time the stuff would be that cheap. I get to do it all over again day after Christmas so I can get ornaments & decorations half off. This way if my Christmas lights burn out I do not have to pay full price for a set cuz I'll have a half off set. And if anything I couldn't afford is still there I can now afford it. But I hate getting up early I am so not a morning person. Yawn.
Sun after church we went home & late with with my Mom to cousin Tommy's churches Christmas play. It was a good one. He played a King in it & sang good. Debbie (my friend) went with us. I'll warn you folks. Don't eat at Red Lobster on Sunday because even after 3 pm they are so crowded we waited forever & they still hadn't seated us. So I called my mom asking her what to do & she said get a burger a Sonic. So we got kiddie meals at Sonic. Later after the play we went to Long John Silvers & got dinner & brought it back cuz they were about to close. Got to see Tommy & Linda. Jerry who played the horn in our wedding was there & we got to see him too, Oh yeah, dad didn't go cuz he didn't feel like it. I guess at 80 some yrs old you don't feel like getting out much. He didn't feel like going to church. Maybe Sunday he'll get to go. I got to see him at least.
The schedule on TVLAND is all goofed up. The listing of what is on on Dish Network showswhat on as being different than what is actually on. I think it maybe due to Star Trek being changed to 9 pm & Andy Griffith to some other time. I saw Miracle on 34th St last nite. I accidently watched the colorized one instead of the origional. If I had known they were gonna show it in color first & b&w next after that, I would've watched the b&w version. I am a purist when it comes to old timey movies lol. Saw a Barbara Stanwick movie from the 30's after that.
Today is grocery day so I better get back to bed to rest up for the shopping lol. I am watching Star Trek right now. I'm not sure which ep it is as I am too busy writing this lol.
So live long and prosper everyone... :)
August 4th Bible in a Year Readings
7 months ago