Boy is it gonna be busy around here. The Christmas show at the Richmond Raceway that I wasnt to go to is today so we'll go to that. I'm thinking about Soul food for lunch. Yum! Sun is church & Sun nite- Wed nite is the church revival meetings. We only get to go to those Sun & Mon nites cuz Tues we gotta go vote, get groceries, get the cars oil changed etc & won't be thru in time & Wed & Thur nites we go to Alexandria, VA to go see Arlo. Yay! Come on home Fri with a stopover at Potomac Mills Outlet Mall. Yeah! :)
Thurs I decided to get busy & be a little typical homemaker. Took some stuff outta the trunk of the car & moved to the house as I never got to finish unpacking from the trip to KY due to our niece & her hubby from Ohio being down for a week. Did that, laundry & some other housewifey stuff. Hubby had took the trash out & the wind blew it over & I had to pick up some stuff that had fell outta the bag. Gah. Yuck! I told hubby, you can get the rest lol. That is so aggravating lol. Fixed a nice chicken & apples diabetic recipe for dinner with cauluflower made like mashed potatoes. Very healthy. I will never be the homemker that the Independant Baptist Women whose blogs I read are. Oh well the good thing about being a housewife is I can do as I please & sleep as late as I want. As long as I let hubby watch his ball games & I get dinner on.
Cya later folks! :)
August 4th Bible in a Year Readings
7 months ago