I didn't have to go to the drs cuz it got cancelled until nexy Wed. Yay! The dr wasn't gonna be in. Well that is the anniversary of me getting diagnosed with diabetes in 1998. Lets celebrate lol. I mean I got diagnosed right in time for Thanksgiving dinner. Sigh. But God is here to help me thru it & I sure need his help & guidance.
Debbie called Wed wanting to meet us for dinner so off to Huddle House we went. Tuna Casserole was cancelled. But we had it Thurs & will have it Mon & if we have enoough left over, Tues too. It's that time of the month where all we can afford is dirt & water lol. But God provides.
Our satellite dish won't work in the den. We think a Tornado was the cause. I was thankfully asleep when the storm was on. I work up to go to the bathroom in the middle of my sleep int eh am & the clocks were blinking. The satellite works in the living room. Nice guy me is letting hubby watch his games in the living room & I am without tv. Sigh. You may wonder why I am sorry to see the satellite out when there are nothing but bad stuff on tv. I love watching old shows from the 50's/60's & 70's & church and preaching shows. That's mainly what I watch. Before we got the Dish network there was nothing hardly on regular tv. So the dish has been a blessing. Can't wait for the repairman to come.
We have our tree up already. I have up all the lights except for my bubble lights & candle lights. I decorate using colored motion lights (white/clear are too plain & boring for me). Plus the lights called teardrop or multifacted C7 lights, and flame tip lights. Then I finish it off with the bublle lights & candle lights. We got a new tree. It is a 7 inch slim one. We had to cuz the one my mom gave us a few yrs back is really nice but we both had trouble getting it up with our health. When I get it finished I'll have to post some pics on here.
So enough of my yakking on here before folks get bored. See ya later folks...
August 4th Bible in a Year Readings
7 months ago