Greetings from West Virginia! :)
We are on our annual 2 weeks or so trip to visit Mikes sister in OH. We like to stop off at Hawks Nest, WV on the way up as it's too far to travel all the way there from VA in one day & esp with our diabetes. So we stay a coupla days at Hawks nest, VA on the way up & then a day at Huntington, WV then onward to Ohio. On the way back we've been staying at a Christian retreat in Ghent, WV.
Well my folks wanted to go to Hawks Nest with us to see what it was all about. Plus their bedroom is being painted this week & they din't want to be around the fumes. They decided to stop on the way up there at Natural Bridge, VA for a coupla days. They drove seperate from us as when we're thru here & go to Mikes sisters they'll go on home.
We had a nice day & 1/2 at Natural Bridge, VA. They have a Drama of the Creation there. A friend of mine from church recommended it so wen went. We loved it. They gave the storey of the Creation from the KJV Bible at Natural Bridge at nite with the lights lite u & intrumental symphonic music played. They played hymns at the end of it. It was so awesome. We went to church today at a Baptist church across the street from Natural Bridge & it was nice. It dated back to the 1800's. The preacher & some of the church members had gone to Slovakia for a coupla months to get Slovaks saved. I wish my dad could've seen that since he's Slovak. That was neat to hear about their missions trip.
We had lunch at Douthat State park. We went to the Magic Mart store in Rainelle, WV. It was like a K-Mart. Good thing we were going there cuz Mike forgot his toiletries & shoes & I got the blame for it lol. I offered to pack his stuff in the car & he said no he'd do it himself. I said I didn't mind & would do it for him I asked him were they on the bed. He said yes. Apparently his bag of shoes & his toiletries bag weren't on the bed & he didn't think to double check after me. That'll teach him not to go off without double checking behind me.
This is a nicer room than we normally have. It is a bigger bedroom that what we normally have when we come here & room for 4 folks. & A nice living room. They have the bedroom & we have the living room. And then I don't get into my moms hair. LOL. Onward to Mikes sisters in Ohio Fri.
On the way back home we are gonna stay overnite at a Christian Motel in Beckley,WV one nite & then the Christian retreat in Ghent, WV. Should be fun.
August 4th Bible in a Year Readings
7 months ago