I tried to post Sat via e-mail & it never got posted. Sigh. Found a cute pic of Starsky & Hutch online that I just had to post on here. They are so cute!!!! :)
Sat nite when we came home from going shopping we heard some loud music in our yard. We figured it out to be from the Pentecostal church across the street. It sounded like guitars & Drums & kinda country sounding. I couldn't make out the words but one line sounded like they were singing I'm going on up to heaven. And then I heard people going wooo. Sounds like fun. If I had known about it we would've loved to have gone.
Church was Sun & after church we ate out with my folks at Lucas Italian in the old post office. Yum! Even tho I'll never see 40 again I ordered the kids spaghetti since I'm the kid lol. Ran into Darlene & Werner from church. Sun nite we went to the Independant Baptist church on our road to see Ed Hindson the Independant baptist prophecy guy talk about the Davinci Code book & movie & why it is wrong. & It is wrong. Ran into the Horsfalls from church there. Good thing for church signs for we'd have never known about the Ed Hindson thing unless we saw it on the churches sign the other day. Btw Hindson wasn't live but via dvd which goofed up in the computer it was in & they had to restart it lol. Enjoying the Miami Vico marathon on TVLAND. I should be paying more attention to it but I'm trying to watch it while being online lol. Let's see if this posts lol...
August 4th Bible in a Year Readings
5 months ago